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Monday, May 2, 2011

The Video Dead 1987

Greetings one and all! Today I will be reviewing "The Video Dead",  an MGM pictures. Rated two stars on Netflix and 4.6 stars on IMDB this stars: You can view the trailer HERE.

Well today's "movie" starts out with a wrong delivery to a gentleman who discovers the hard way that the T.V is a portal by which the undead can enter our universe. We jump ahead 6 months later to a new family who mysteriously find the tv in the attic. Jeff the scrapping young lad of the family befriends a neighbor by the name of April who owns a dog named chocalate who has enamorous relations with skunks and gets turned on when they spray. "TMI"

Jeff discovers the secrets of the tv when a naked chick comes popping out through the tv to seduce him. After Jeff discovers the secrets of the tv by the "garbage Man" he locks the tv in the basement as instructed. 

The makeup for this one is somewhat a little better than the past movies I have reviewed but not by much. At least the corpses are rotted and falling to pieces with little sign of recognition of common everyday objects. Even the traditional head shot does not work on these evil bastards. They seem to be more prankster by nature killing in ways such as stuffing a woman in the clothes washer, and placing birthday hats on the deceased.

A mysterious stranger shows up and explains that their are only two ways to destroy them. one is to trap them in a place they cant get out of, and let them eat themselves. or attack them and make them believe they are dead. Then bury them. Hmmm attack a zombie and make the brainless think they are dead. INGENIOUS! 

So Jeff and the mysterious stranger go on a zombie hunting expedition. Only to find Jeff's new GF munched on. The zombie killing expedition is an utter failure and the Zombies seem to continue their rampage. This movie takes an unexpected twist as the sister welcomes the zombies into her home hoping that by showing no fear she can defeat them. If you want the ending on this one you'll have to pick it up at the finest stores near you. K-MART probably.

The acting wasn't as poor as some of the other flicks I have reviewed. But it wasn't to the calibur of other fine movies. 

I cant believe MGM put their mark on this one.

I give this 2 severed thumbs.
And remember, I watch this shit so you dont have to!

Michael St. Michaels... Henry Jordan
Thaddeus Golas... Deliveryman #1
Douglas Bell... Deliveryman #2
Al Millan... Taxi Driver / Undead Ironhead
Roxanna Augesen... Zoe Blair
Lory-Michael Ringuette... Mover #1 / Undead Half Creeper (as Lory Ringuette)
George Kernan... Mover #2
Rocky Duvall... Jeff Blair
Sam David McClelland... Joshua Daniels
Jennifer Miro... The Woman
Victoria Bastel... April Ellison (as Vickie Bastel)
Libby Russler... Maria
Garrett Dressler... Mr. Ellison
Melissa Martin... B-Movie Housewife
Cliff Watts... The Garbageman
Muffie Greco... Beverly Turchow
Walter Garret... Abe Turchow (as Walter Garrett)
Jo Ann Peterson... Mrs. Blair
Don Clelland... Mr. Blair
Carl Solomon... Hospital Attendant
Bachelor... Chocolate
Jack Stellman... Jack (The Undead)
Diane Hadley... The Bride (The Undead)
Patrick Treadway... Jimmy D. (The Undead)
Stephan Bianchi... The Undead
Maurice Diller... The Undead
Anthony C. Ferrante... The Undead (as Anthony Ferrante)
Cliff Gardener... The Undead
Joanne Jarvis... The Undead
Mark Rosseau... The Undead

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