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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Zombie Farm 2009

Greetings folks I'm back and running with the thanx to my wifes computer. Love ya baby! Todays flick is called "the Zombie Farm".  this rates 4.9 on IMDB and 2 stars on netflix. In for a treat ya'll.This one stars Adriana Catano and Rosa Isela. It was directed (loosely) by Ricardo Islas. you can view the trailer HERE

Without having seen any of this movie I will make a guess that we are dealing with a combination of voodoo Zombie and ghoulish ones.

lets start with some crappy driving to some soothing background score. It appears as though the guy is drunk and his "wife g/f" is scared as shit. A fight ensues and she gets a belt across her pretty face. Come to find out we are watching a commercial being pitched by out leading lady who abruptly gets shot down. And told that she needs content with a "latino flavor" then mentions salsa! 

So she decided to see a psychic. This guy shows he is not a real mentalist. The woman that we see getting beaten in the beginning shows up begging for help. this crushes the metalists spirit and he exposes himself (not like that you pervs!). Meanwhile asshole husband shows up, beats up the mentalists, and runs out with the girl. 

The movie making leading lady and the non-mentalist mentalist meet for drinks in hopes that she can try to make a documentary on him. they exchange monologues in a tired sketched out way and decide to go for it. just let me point out that the mentalist (name unknown at this point) actually does some pretty good screen work. Or does he have some ability? That is left up to us to decide at this point. 

The young lady who's husband drug her out of the house seeks other voodoo ways of getting at her husband. All the while mentalist dude prooves he is much more. He is smart as shit. Actually good writing in this one.  Good dynamic between these two. So now the deal is off . 

Heres where the twist comes in. The chick who goes to the voodoo queen to get a potion to make her husband stop hurting her actually winds up killing him by mistake (or so she thinks). She now runs back to the mentalist to let him know that her dead husband will not leave her alone. Yup classic voodoo zombie. 

I have to take this moment and say that im pleased to see a return to voodoo style zombie. Interesting! although a voodoo style zombie he is in fact a ghoulish zombie with what appears to be ghoulish appetites. Oh and one surprise spoiler I will save for the viewer. 

At this point it is all down hill for the unlikely pair of battered wife and braniac mentalist. ok the mentalist has a name, Roque. Now this movie has turned into a mystery. one which I think the viewer will be interested in seeing how this one plays out. A combo voodoo/ghoul is original yet something is lacking. 

The santriana that the battered woman goes to is trying to finish off loose ends by killing off the survivors. Roque discovers the cure is forcing the victim who ingested the poison to vomit an hour after ingestion. of course this is to late for dear hubby plus other circumstances. 

They discover what the santriana is really up to with all her voodoo. I know but I will leave the reader to view this ad discover it for themselves. '

All in all it wasn't a bad movie. Some poor acting on some peoples parts but other than that not bad. the story took a bit to develop. but once it does it picks up it seems to move pretty quickly. 

I think you will enjoy this for a one time watch. It is not unwatchable. 

I would give this movie 3 and 1/2 severed thumbs. 
And remember, I watch this so you dont have to!


Credited cast:
Adriana CatañoAdriana Cataño...
Pilar Franco
Rosa Isela FraustoRosa Isela Frausto...
Abused woman 3
Karla GarciaKarla Garcia...
Eduardo IbarrolaEduardo Ibarrola...
Senor Augustin
Nair KuzmikNair Kuzmik...
Eugene KwartengEugene Kwarteng...
Zombie for Mama Luna
Roberto MontesinosRoberto Montesinos...
Monika MunozMonika Munoz...
Yvonne NievesYvonne Nieves...
Abused woman 2
Radica RadovicRadica Radovic...
Abused woman 1
Nadia RowinskyNadia Rowinsky...
Mana Luna
Mariana Da SilvaMariana Da Silva...
Sonia (as Mariana Rivieri)

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